My Time to Shine
More often than not, I find it hard to tell one’s own story. Bits and pieces of my memories are scattered around the world. I would love to learn how to connect the interactions, experiences, lessons and people I have met along the way; then weave them all into a story about personal growth.
Therefore, when doing Storytelling for Influence class at IDEO U, I chose My Time to Shine to reflect and explore my professional development, together with other life aspects.
Throughout the course, my story inspired other fellow learners, the teaching team and career transitioners alike. I have received lots of insightful feedback, encouragement, and even a Community Catalyst badge! My story is also featured as learning sample for new learners on the platform. You can view the full assignment here. Take a look!
Like any creative work, all are subjected to feedback and iteration. The journey doesn’t end. It takes courage and creativity to tell one’s own story. Are you ready to tell yours?
Remote Collaboration
How might we make remote collaboration at workplace more meaningful? This video will take you through various stories of remote workers from around the world and offers my perspective on the matter.